News & Media

Wilmington Air and Blaze: Heating, Cooling, Electrical Plumbing Serving Wilmington, NC

  Wilmington Air has joined the Blaze family, allowing us to expand our HVAC and home solutions services to serve the Wilmington, NC, community. Blaze: Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing will provide the same professional and high-quality certified services that Wilmington Air is known for. Customers will continue to experience the same 5-star service and


furnace repair

Where Can I Get Furnace Repair in Winston-Salem?

  As the frosty fingers of winter grip Winston-Salem, your furnace is what stands between you and the cold. But when your furnace starts sputtering instead of roaring, your home’s comfort hangs in the balance. Reliable furnace repair in Winston-Salem is just a phone call away. Common Furnace Woes A malfunctioning furnace doesn’t always announce


Water Heater

What Steps Can I Take to Maintain Peak Performance for My New Water Heater? A Guide To Avoiding Water Heater Repair Winston-Salem

  Your water heater is one of the most expensive and valuable investments you’ll make for your home — so it’s only natural that you’ll want to keep it performing as well as possible for as long as possible. Here are a few expert-provided tips to keep your water heater working at its best all


heat pump

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

  When it comes to heating and cooling solutions, it’s common to hear about options like HVAC air conditioning, heating, and furnace installation in Winston-Salem. These are the best options for some people, but for many, a heat pump will also be an eco-friendly option very much worth exploring. Here’s a simple guide to help


How Often Does a Trane HVAC Unit Need Service?

Trane HVAC units are top-of-the-line products, but they require HVAC service in Winston-Salem to keep them working efficiently. Our team can handle your maintenance needs and provide HVAC repair in Winston-Salem. Check out the guide below to learn more about your Trane HVAC unit’s service needs, as well as the Trane installation and Trane repair


HVAC Maintenance

Top 5 Most Common Heating Maintenance & Repair Issues

HVAC systems provide heat in the winter and cool air in the summer, but when something goes wrong, it will affect your comfort and your home environment. HVAC maintenance & repair services in Winston-Salem can provide you with HVAC installation, heating, repair, and HVAC maintenance. Finding and scheduling with “HVAC installers near me” can prevent